developed by OceanDataLab


You can extend the capabilities of the viewer by installing the optional Python package: it allows you to control the viewer remotely, create animation scripts and stream data from your Python console!



SEAScope Python bindings


The Python package contains the bindings and an optional processing tool to transform the data you extracted using SEAScope into a PNG image or a binary array (Numpy format).

We recommend to install the Python bindings in a virtual environment: it is good practice but not mandatory.

python3 -m venv pyseascope
source pyseascope/bin/activate

Python bindings

The easiest way to install the package is to use the pip command to get pySEAScope from the official Python Package repository:

pip install pySEAScope

or if you downloaded the package yourself:

pip install "./pySEAScope-0.3.227.tar.gz"

SEAScope processor

If you want to use the seascope-processor tools (required to get the "Save as PNG" and "Save as Numpy" options in the viewer), use this command instead:

pip install pySEAScope[processor]

or if you downloaded the package yourself:

pip install "./pySEAScope-0.3.227.tar.gz[processor]"

Then start the processor:


Finally enable the seascope-processor option in SEAScope settings and you should now be able to extract data as PNG images or Numpy arrays (the path of the output is displayed in the terminal wherein seascope-processor is running).