developed by OceanDataLab

Frequently Asked Questions

SEAScope viewer

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After data addition/change/removal, you have to regenerate the index cache.

To do so, simply delete the index.fb file in the SEAScope workspace (or at the location you specified in the configuration file) and restart SEAScope to regenerate an index file.

SEAScope requires direct access to a real GPU, not an emulated one – which is what most hypervisors (Qemu, VirtualBox, Parallel, etc..) provide by default.

The only way to run SEAScope in a VM with good performance is to configure PCI-passthrough and pass a physical GPU to the virtual machine (which is only possible on Windows Server 2016 with Hyper-V 2016 and ... on Linux). So it is strongly discouraged to run SEAScope in a VM at the moment and no support will be provided for this use case.

In short: it mostly depends on how much RAM you have.

SEAScope is a hungry beast: it consumes more RAM everytime new data (i.e. data that were not already present in memory) are loaded for visualisation purposes and only releases this memory when the application shuts down.

So it is possible to saturate your RAM by loading too much data, when you visualise high-resolution data, many variables or many datetimes without restarting SEAScope.

You can somehow circumvent this limitation by extending the size of the swap on your system: it will virtually have more memory available so SEAScope should be able to load more data but its performance might suffer from the transfers between disk and RAM caused by the swap mechanism.

This lack of memory management is a major problem in the current version and fixing this issue is our top priority for the next release.

The index still contains the old path of your data, so SEAScope cannot load them: you have to regenerate the index cache.

To do so, simply delete the index.fb file in the SEAScope workspace (or at the location you specified in the configuration file) and restart SEAScope to regenerate an index file.


SEAScope relies on the MESA library to retrieve the version of OpenGL supported by your system.

Some drivers report a wrong version number which leads to an error during SEAScope startup: it refuses to start because the erroneous reported version is lower than the one it requires.

To bypass this issue you can define the MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE and MESA_GLSL_VERSION_OVERRIDE environment variables to change the OpenGL version publicized by the driver.

Using OpenGL version 3.3 is a sensible choice. For example, in bash, you can use:

Setting environment variables for MESA drivers

Debug mode can be activated by calling SEAScope with the -f debug argument on the command line.

Starting SEAScope in debug mode
./seascope -f debug

We recommend that SEAScope be placed in /Applications or ~/Applications. But it normally works fine if placed somewhere else on your computer.

You are getting this message because SEAScope hasn't been notarized by Apple (which would require paying them).

Do the following in order:

  1. See "How to open an app that hasn’t been notarized or is from an unidentified developer" section of Safely open apps on your Mac.
  2. If SEAScope is still not opening, place the SEAScope application on your Desktop and double-click on it to try to open it.
  3. If SEAScope is still not opening, open the Terminal, and run the following command:
    xattr -rd Desktop/
    Then double-click on SEAScope to try to open it.
  4. If SEAScope is still not opening
    1. Open System Settings, click Privacy & Security, then scroll down
    2. Under "Allow applications downloaded from", select the Anywhere option
    3. Double-click on SEAScope to try to open it
    4. You can reselect the option that you prefer under "Allow applications downloaded from"
  5. If SEAScope is still not opening, contact us.

  • The default workspace is created in your home directory at ~/SEAScope-workspace
  • SEAScope locates the default config by following the symlink ~/Library/Application Support/com.oceandatalab.SEAScope/config.ini
  • The workspace folder can be put wherever you like on your machine, just remember to update the config.ini symlink (see previous point)

SEAScope can be launched in debug mode from the command line with the -f debug option:

  • open -a SEAScope --args -f debug (if you have only one SEAScope on your machine) or
  • open path/to/ --args -f debug or
  • path/to/ -f debug

The logs of the last run of SEAScope:

  • can be found at ~/Library/Logs/com.oceandatalab.SEAScope/seascope.log
  • can be accessed from the Console app (found in /Applications/Utilities) under ~/Library/Logs > com.oceandatalab.SEAScope


Debug mode can be activated by calling SEAScope with the -f debug argument on the command line.

Starting SEAScope in debug mode
.\bin\seascope.exe -f debug

Otherwise you can also edit the SEAScope shortcut (or create a copy) by adding -f debug in the Target field of the shortcut's properties

Altering SEAScope's shortcut target to enable debug mode
Contextual menu for SEAScope shortcut Properties panel of SEAScope shortcut on Windows

Python Bindings

Maybe your environment (or a binary package) was built on a system which uses an encoding that is not compatible with yours.

This is not strictly related to SEAScope, but we encountered this issue on a chinese Windows 10 system while running a conda environment that we built on a french windows 10 machine. The solution might be obvious to Windows users but we don't use this OS on an eveyday-basis so it took us several tries before we found a workaround.

Jupyter error message
Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: can't initialize sys standard streams
LookupError: unknown encoding: 65001

In order for this environment to work, the workaround we used consisted in switching the system encoding to english and unticking the "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support" checkbox.

In order to get to the encoding configuration dialog:

The polygon used to extract data might be too wide or too close to the boundary between the globe and space. Try rotating the globe to place the polygon at the center of the screen before extracting data.

In some cases SEAScope cannot completely geolocate the bounding box of the extraction polygon and can only provide incomplete inputs to the get_lonlat method. This is a known issue, more information available on the forum