# vim: set ts=4:sts=4:sw=4
# @author: <sylvain.herledan@oceandatalab.com>
# This file is part of SEAScope, a 3D visualisation and analysis application
# for satellite, in-situ and numerical model data.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2023 OceanDataLab
# SEAScope is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# SEAScope is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with SEAScope. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""This module provides helpers methods to interact with the SEAScope
import sys
import time
import struct
import socket
import logging
import calendar
import datetime
import contextlib
import SEAScope.cmds.add_collection
import SEAScope.cmds.add_variable
import SEAScope.cmds.add_granule
import SEAScope.cmds.set_rendering
import SEAScope.cmds.get_rendering
import SEAScope.cmds.set_current_datetime
import SEAScope.cmds.set_altitude
import SEAScope.cmds.look_at
import SEAScope.cmds.zoom_in
import SEAScope.cmds.zoom_out
import SEAScope.cmds.reset_camera
import SEAScope.cmds.select_variable
import SEAScope.cmds.select_variable_by_label
import SEAScope.cmds.get_variable_identifier
import SEAScope.cmds.check_schema_version
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CollectionIdConflict(Exception):
"""Execption raised when a collection creation request fails because the
collection identifier is already used by a collection registered in
class Throttler(object):
"""Timer that provides a throttling mechanism."""
def __init__(self):
self.__last_upload = 0
self.__min_delay_ms = 0
def min_delay(self):
"""int: Minimal delay between two successive calls to
:func:`SEAScope.upload.Throttler.apply_delay`, in milliseconds"""
return self.__min_delay_ms
def min_delay(self, value):
logger.debug('Set min delay to {}'.format(value))
self.__min_delay_ms = max(0, value)
def apply_delay(self):
"""Wait until the minimal delay since last call has been reached."""
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
now_ms = time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1e3 + now.microsecond / 1e3
elapsed = now_ms - self.__last_upload
if elapsed < self.__min_delay_ms:
to_wait_ms = self.__min_delay_ms - elapsed
logger.debug('Delay for {}ms'.format(to_wait_ms))
time.sleep(to_wait_ms / 1e3)
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
now_ms = time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1e3 + now.microsecond / 1e3
self.__last_upload = now_ms
throttler = Throttler()
"""`SEAScope.upload.Throttler`: Global throttler object that is shared by all
the methods provided in :mod:`SEAScope.upload`. Use it to set the minimal
delay between two API calls if SEAScope is not able to handle the number of
requests sent by Python in a short period of time."""
def connect(host, port, check_schema_version=False):
"""Create a socket and connect it to the SEAScope application which listens
on the provided IP address and port.
host : str
IP address of the network interface that the SEAScope application
listens to.
port : int
Port number that the SEAScope application listens to.
a socket connected to SEAScope
>>> import SEAScope.upload
>>> with SEAScope.upload.connect('', 5555) as link:
>>> # Pass the link object to other method so that they can communicate
>>> # with SEAScope
>>> # [...]
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((host, port))
if check_schema_version is True:
yield s
except: # noqa
_, e, _ = sys.exc_info()
logger.debug('Closing connection')
def _check_schema_version(link) -> None:
"""Compare data serialization schema versions used by the SEAScope client
and by this package. Issue a warning in case they do not match because
extracting objects from a binary stream using the wrong data schema could
lead to unpredictable errors and crashes.
link: socket.socket
Stream socket connected to SEAScope
# Request rendering config from SEAScope
serializer = SEAScope.cmds.check_schema_version.serialize
builder = None
builder, serialized = serializer(builder)
buf = builder.Output()
link.sendall(struct.pack('>Q', len(buf)) + buf)
# Retrieve result
deserializer = SEAScope.cmds.check_schema_version.deserialize
# SEAScope versions that do not implement the checkSchemaVersion command
# will not return anything. The command should execute very fast, so if
# there is no response within one second it is reasonable to conclude that
# the SEAScope client does not support this function and therefore uses
# an old schema version
timeout = link.gettimeout()
buf = link.recv(8)
except TimeoutError:
logger.warning('The SEAScope viewer uses an old version of the data '
'serialization schema compared to the one built in this'
' Python package.\n'
'Although some commands might work, using mismatching '
'schema versions may lead to errors or even crashes.\n'
'Please use a more recent SEAScope viewer or install '
'the SEAScope Python package released around the same '
'time as the viewer to get the best compatibility '
'between Python and SEAScope')
# Restore original timeout
msg_len = struct.unpack('<Q', buf)
buf = read_response(link, msg_len[0])
result = deserializer(buf)
version_match, recommended_python_version = result
if version_match is False:
logger.warning('The SEAScope Python package does not use the same '
'data serialization schema as the SEAScope viewer.\n'
'Although some commands might work, using mismatching '
'schema versions may lead to errors or even crashes.\n'
'Please install SEAScope Python package version '
f'"{recommended_python_version}" to get the best '
'compatibility between Python and SEAScope.')
def read_response(link, msg_size):
"""Fetch a fixed number of bytes from the socket connected to SEAScope.
link : socket.socket
Stream socket connected to SEAScope
msg_size : int
Number of bytes to fetch from the socket
:obj:`list` of :obj:`bytes`
Raw data sent by SEAScope"""
chunk_size = msg_size
logger.debug('Message size: {}'.format(msg_size))
already_read = 0
result = b''
while already_read < msg_size:
buf = link.recv(chunk_size)
already_read += len(buf)
result += buf
chunk_size = msg_size - already_read
return result
def collection(link, _collection):
"""Add a collection to SEAScope catalogue.
link : socket.socket
Stream socket connected to SEAScope
_collection : dict
Dictionary representing the collection
Raised when the numerical identifier of the collection passed in the
``_collection`` parameter matches a collection already registered in
>>> import SEAScope.upload
>>> import SEAScope.lib.utils
>>> coll_id, coll_obj = SEAScope.lib.utils.create_collection('Dummy')
>>> print(coll_obj)
{'id': {'granuleLevel': False,
'sourceId': 1,
'collectionId': 10,
'granuleId': 0,
'variableId': 0},
'mustBeCurrent': False,
'xSeamless': False,
'ySeamless': False,
'NEWSAligned': False,
'label': 'Dummy',
'tags': {},
'variables': [],
'variablesList': {},
'defaultVariable': 0}
>>> # Edit coll_obj to customize the collection
>>> # [...]
>>> with SEAScope.upload.connect(host, port) as link:
>>> SEAScope.upload.collection(link, coll_obj)
global throttler
serializer = SEAScope.cmds.add_collection.serialize
builder = None
builder, serialized = serializer(builder, _collection)
buf = builder.Output()
link.sendall(struct.pack('>Q', len(buf)) + buf)
# Retrieve result
deserializer = SEAScope.cmds.add_collection.deserialize
buf = link.recv(8)
msg_len = struct.unpack('<Q', buf)
buf = read_response(link, msg_len[0])
result = deserializer(buf)
if result['ok'] is False:
logger.error(f'Failed to add collection in SEAScope: {result["msg"]}')
raise CollectionIdConflict
def variable(link, _variable):
"""Add a variable to SEAScope catalogue.
link : socket.socket
Stream socket connected to SEAScope
_variable : dict
Dictionary representing the variable
>>> import SEAScope.upload
>>> import SEAScope.lib.utils
>>> collid, coll_obj = SEAScope.lib.create_collection('My collection')
>>> var_obj = SEAScope.lib.create_variable(coll_obj, 'My variable',
>>> ['fieldA', 'fieldB'])
>>> print(var_obj)
{'id': 0,
'label': 'My variable',
'units': '',
'fields': ['fieldA', 'fieldB'],
'defaultRenderingMethod': 'RASTER',
'tags': {},
'collection': {'granuleLevel': False,
'sourceId': 1,
'collectionId': 10,
'granuleId': 0,
'variableId': 0},
'rendering': {'rendered': True,
'logscale': False,
'min': 0,
'max': 1,
'opacity': 1.0,
'zindex': 500,
'color': [50, 12, 87],
'colormap': 'grayscale',
'renderMethod': 'RASTER',
'particlesCount': 1000,
'particleTTL': 10,
'streamlineLength': 20,
'streamlineSpeed': 0.0,
'filterMode': 'NEAREST',
'target': {'granuleLevel': False,
'sourceId': 1,
'collectionId': 10,
'granuleId': 0,
'variableId': 0}}}
>>> # You can customize the rendering configuration for the created
>>> # variable by altering the content of var_obj['rendering']
>>> # [...]
>>> with SEAScope.upload.connect('', 11155) as link:
>>> SEAScope.upload.collection(link, coll_obj)
>>> SEAScope.upload.variable(link, var_obj)
global throttler
serializer = SEAScope.cmds.add_variable.serialize
builder = None
collection_id = _variable['collection']
builder, serialized = serializer(builder, collection_id, _variable)
buf = builder.Output()
link.sendall(struct.pack('>Q', len(buf)) + buf)
# Retrieve result
deserializer = SEAScope.cmds.add_variable.deserialize
buf = link.recv(8)
msg_len = struct.unpack('<Q', buf)
buf = read_response(link, msg_len[0])
result = deserializer(buf)
if result['ok'] is False:
logger.error(f'Failed to add variable in SEAScope: {result["msg"]}')
if 'rendering' in _variable:
rendering_config(link, _variable['rendering'])
def rendering_config(link, rcfg):
"""Update a rendering configuration
link : socket.socket
Stream socket connected to SEAScope
rcfg : dict
Dictionary representing the rendering configuration
>>> import SEAScope.upload
>>> rcfg = {'rendered': True,
>>> 'logscale': False,
>>> 'min': 0.0,
>>> 'max': 1.5,
>>> 'opacity': 0.7,
>>> 'zindex': 0.25,
>>> 'color': [0, 0, 0],
>>> 'colormap': 'jet',
>>> 'renderMethod': 'RASTER',
>>> 'filterMode': 'BILINEAR',
>>> 'particlesCount': 0,
>>> 'particleTTL': 0,
>>> 'streamlineLength': 0,
>>> 'streamlineSpeed': 0.0,
>>> 'target': None}
>>> with SEAScope.upload.connect('', 11155) as link:
>>> target = SEAScope.upload.get_id_for(link, 'My collection',
>>> 'My variable')
>>> # Update target in the rendering configuration dictionary
>>> rcfg['target'] = target
>>> SEAScope.upload.rendering_config(link, rcfg)
global throttler
serializer = SEAScope.cmds.set_rendering.serialize
builder = None
builder, serialized = serializer(builder, rcfg)
buf = builder.Output()
link.sendall(struct.pack('>Q', len(buf)) + buf)
def granule(link, _granule):
"""Add a granule in SEAScope.
link : socket.socket
Stream socket connected to SEAScope
_granule : dict
Dictionary representing the granule
>>> import datetime
>>> import SEAScope.upload
>>> import SEAScope.lib.utils
>>> # Example with 1D data: the GCPs will be the trajectory positions
>>> lons = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # dummy longitudes for the sake of example
>>> lats = [|, 2, 3, 4, 5] # dummy latitudes for the sake of example
>>> gcps = [{'lon': lons[i], 'lat': lats[i], 'i': i, 'j': 0}
>>> for i in range(0, len(lons))]
>>> # Define the time coverage of the granule
>>> start = datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 21)
>>> stop = datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 22, 14, 18, 56)
>>> # Create a collection
>>> coll_id, coll_obj = SEAScope.lib.utils.create_collection('My data')
>>> # Create the granule object
>>> gra_id, gra_obj = SEAScope.lib.utils.create_granule(coll_id, gcps,
>>> start, stop)
>>> # Associate some data with the granule
>>> values = [31, 32, 33, 34, 35] # replace this by actual measurements
>>> SEAScope.lib.utils.set_field(gra_obj, 'field_name', values)
>>> print(gra_obj)
{'id': {'granuleLevel': True,
'sourceId': 1,
'collectionId': 10,
'granuleId': 1000,
'variableId': 0},
'metadata': {'sourceId': 1,
'collectionId': 10,
'granuleId': 1000,
'dataId': 'user_generated_granule_1000',
'dataModel': 'TIME',
'start': 1558396800000,
'stop': 1558534736000,
'uris': [{'uri': 'Python: user_generated_granule_1000',
'xArity': 5,
'yArity': 2,
'resolution': 1000000000,
'subsampling_factor': 0,
'shape': {'xArity': 5,
'yArity': 1,
'gcps': [{'lon': 1, 'lat': 1, 'i': 0, 'j': 0}, # noqa:E501
{'lon': 2, 'lat': 2, 'i': 1, 'j': 0}, # noqa:E501
{'lon': 3, 'lat': 3, 'i': 2, 'j': 0}, # noqa:E501
{'lon': 4, 'lat': 4, 'i': 3, 'j': 0}, # noqa:E501
{'lon': 5, 'lat': 5, 'i': 4, 'j': 0}]}}], # noqa:E501
'title': 'user_generated_granule_1000',
'institution': '',
'comment': '',
'file_id': 'Python: user_generated_granule_1000',
'product_version': '0.0.0',
'lat_min': 1,
'lat_max': 5,
'lon_min': 1,
'lon_max': 5,
'creator_email': '',
'station_id': '',
'platform': '',
'sensor': ''},
'data': {'field_name': {'info': {'channels': 1,
'xArity': 5,
'yArity': 2,
'dataType': 'uint8',
'offsets': [31],
'scaleFactors': [0.015748031496062992],
'fillValues': [255]},
'buffer': [254, 190, 127, 63, 0]}}}
>>> # Send everything to SEAScope
>>> with SEAScope.upload.connect('', 11155) as link:
>>> # Create the collection first!
>>> SEAScope.upload.collection(link, coll_obj)
>>> # Then the granule
>>> SEAScope.upload.granule(link, gra_obj)
global throttler
serializer = SEAScope.cmds.add_granule.serialize
builder = None
builder, serialized = serializer(builder, _granule)
buf = builder.Output()
link.sendall(struct.pack('>Q', len(buf)) + buf)
def current_datetime(link, dt):
"""Set current datetime in SEAScope.
link : socket.socket
Stream socket connected to SEAScope
dt : datetime.datetime
Value that will be used as current datetime
global throttler
timestamp = calendar.timegm(dt.timetuple())
serializer = SEAScope.cmds.set_current_datetime.serialize
builder = None
builder, serialized = serializer(builder, timestamp)
buf = builder.Output()
link.sendall(struct.pack('>Q', len(buf)) + buf)
def rendering_config_for(link, target):
"""Get the current rendering configuration for a (collection, variable)
link : socket.socket
Stream socket connected to SEAScope
target : dict
Dictionary which contains the numerical identifiers for the target
Dictionary representing the rendering configuration
>>> import SEASope.upload
>>> with SEAScope.upload.connect('', 11155) as link:
>>> target = SEAScope.upload.get_id_for(link, 'AVISO altimetry',
>>> 'Mean Dynamic Topography')
>>> rcfg = SEAScope.upload.rendering_config_for(link, target)
>>> print(rcfg)
{'rendered': True,
'logscale': False,
'min': -0.30000001192092896,
'max': 1.5,
'opacity': 0.8999999761581421,
'zindex': 0.22220000624656677,
'color': [0, 0, 0],
'colormap': b'jet',
'renderMethod': 'RASTER',
'filterMode': 'BILINEAR',
'particlesCount': 0,
'particleTTL': 0,
'streamlineLength': 0,
'streamlineSpeed': 0.0,
'target': {'granuleLevel': False,
'sourceId': 2,
'collectionId': 11,
'granuleId': 0,
'variableId': 0}}
global throttler
# Request rendering config from SEAScope
serializer = SEAScope.cmds.get_rendering.serialize
deserializer = SEAScope.cmds.get_rendering.deserialize
builder = None
builder, serialized = serializer(builder, target)
buf = builder.Output()
link.sendall(struct.pack('>Q', len(buf))+buf)
# Retrieve result
buf = link.recv(8)
msg_len = struct.unpack('<Q', buf)
buf = read_response(link, msg_len[0])
result = deserializer(buf)
return result
def altitude(link, altitude):
"""Set the altitude of the camera in SEAScope.
link : socket.socket
Stream socket connected to SEAScope
altitude : float
Distance between the ground and the camera, in meters
global throttler
serializer = SEAScope.cmds.set_altitude.serialize
builder = None
builder, serialized = serializer(builder, altitude)
buf = builder.Output()
link.sendall(struct.pack('>Q', len(buf))+buf)
def location(link, lon, lat):
"""Set the location displayed at the center of the screen (the camera's
target) in SEAScope.
link : socket.socket
Stream socket connected to SEAScope
lon : float
Longitude of the location
lat : float
Latitude of the location
The values passed to this method for longitudes and latitudes are wrapped
automatically to match the domains that SEAScope can handle
global throttler
lon = ((lon + 180.) % 360.) - 180.
serializer = SEAScope.cmds.look_at.serialize
builder = None
builder, serialized = serializer(builder, lon, lat)
buf = builder.Output()
link.sendall(struct.pack('>Q', len(buf))+buf)
def zoom_in(link):
"""Zoom-in in SEAScope.
The camera gets closer to the ground: camera altitude decreases by a
distance that varies depending on the current altitude.
link : socket.socket
Stream socket connected to SEAScope
global throttler
serializer = SEAScope.cmds.zoom_in.serialize
builder = None
builder, serialized = serializer(builder)
buf = builder.Output()
link.sendall(struct.pack('>Q', len(buf))+buf)
def zoom_out(link):
"""Zoom-out in SEAScope.
The camera goes further away from the ground: camera altitude increases by
a distance that varies depending on the current altitude.
link : socket.socket
Stream socket connected to SEAScope
global throttler
serializer = SEAScope.cmds.zoom_out.serialize
builder = None
builder, serialized = serializer(builder)
buf = builder.Output()
link.sendall(struct.pack('>Q', len(buf))+buf)
def reset_camera(link):
"""Move camera back to its default position.
link : socket.socket
Stream socket connected to SEAScope
global throttler
serializer = SEAScope.cmds.reset_camera.serialize
builder = None
builder, serialized = serializer(builder)
buf = builder.Output()
link.sendall(struct.pack('>Q', len(buf))+buf)
def select_variable_by_id(link, source_id, collection_id, variable_id,
selected, exclusive):
"""Update the variables selection in SEAScope catalogue using numerical
values to identify the target variable.
link : socket.socket
Stream socket connected to SEAScope
source_id : int
Numerical identifier for the data source for the collection
collection_id : int
Numerical identifier for the collection that contains the target
Numerical identifier for the target variable
selected : bool
New selection state for the variable (True = selected)
exclusive : bool
When set to True, this flag tells SEAScope to unselect all the
variables that were previously selected (exclusive selection)
global throttler
_rid = {'granuleLevel': False,
'sourceId': source_id,
'collectionId': collection_id,
'granuleId': 0,
'variableId': variable_id}
serializer = SEAScope.cmds.select_variable.serialize
builder = None
builder, serialized = serializer(builder, _rid, selected, exclusive)
buf = builder.Output()
link.sendall(struct.pack('>Q', len(buf))+buf)
def select_variable_by_label(link, collection_label, variable_label, selected,
"""Update the variables selection in SEAScope catalogue using numerical
values to identify the target variable.
link : socket.socket
Stream socket connected to SEAScope
collection_label : str
Label of the collection that contains the target variable
variable_label : str
Label of the targt variable
selected : bool
New selection state for the variable (True = selected)
exclusive : bool
When set to True, this flag tells SEAScope to unselect all the
variables that were previously selected (exclusive selection)
global throttler
serializer = SEAScope.cmds.select_variable_by_label.serialize
builder = None
builder, serialized = serializer(builder, collection_label, variable_label,
selected, exclusive)
buf = builder.Output()
link.sendall(struct.pack('>Q', len(buf))+buf)
def get_id_for(link, collection_label, variable_label):
"""Get the internal identifier which corresponds to a (collection,
variable) couple using their labels (i.e. the text that describes them in
the SEAScope catalogue menu).
link : socket
Socket connected to the SEAScope application
collection_label : str
Label of the collection
variable_label : str
Label of the variable
Dictionary containing the numerical identifiers associated with the
(collection, variable) couple
>>> import SEAScope.upload
>>> with SEAScope.upload.connect('', 11155) as link:
>>> result = SEAScope.upload.get_id_for(link, 'ECMWF',
>>> 'mean wind field')
>>> print(result)
{'granule_level': False,
'sourceId': 2,
'collectionId': 2,
'granuleId': 0,
'variableId': 0}
global throttler
# Request rendering config from SEAScope
serializer = SEAScope.cmds.get_variable_identifier.serialize
deserializer = SEAScope.cmds.get_variable_identifier.deserialize
builder = None
builder, serialized = serializer(builder, collection_label, variable_label)
buf = builder.Output()
link.sendall(struct.pack('>Q', len(buf))+buf)
# Retrieve result
buf = link.recv(8)
msg_len = struct.unpack('<Q', buf)
buf = read_response(link, msg_len[0])
result = deserializer(buf)
return result