Source code for SEAScope.types.granule_metadata

# vim: ts=4:sts=4:sw=4
# @author: <>
# @date: 2016-09-09
# This file is part of SEAScope, a 3D visualisation and analysis application
# for satellite, in-situ and numerical model data.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2023 OceanDataLab
# SEAScope is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# SEAScope is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with SEAScope. If not, see <>.

This module handles the serialization and deserialization of granule metadata

import logging
import flatbuffers
import SEAScope.API.GranuleMetadata
import SEAScope.API.DataModel
import SEAScope.types.idf_descriptor

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
data_models = {'LAT_LON': SEAScope.API.DataModel.DataModel.LAT_LON,
               'Y_X': SEAScope.API.DataModel.DataModel.Y_X,
               'NJ_NI': SEAScope.API.DataModel.DataModel.NJ_NI,
               'ROW_CELL': SEAScope.API.DataModel.DataModel.ROW_CELL,
               'TIME_STATION': SEAScope.API.DataModel.DataModel.TIME_STATION,
               'TIME': SEAScope.API.DataModel.DataModel.TIME}
"""dict: Data models supported by SEAScope.

[docs] def serialize(builder, obj): """ Serialize a granule metadata using FlatBuffers. Parameters ---------- builder : flatbuffers.builder.Builder The FlatBuffers builder instance which serializes data. If this parameter is None, then a new builder will be created obj : dict Dictionary which contains information about the shape to serialize It must have between 8 and 21 keys: - ``sourceId`` : an :obj:`int` which is the unique identifier for the source which provides the granule - ``collectionId`` : an :obj:`int` which is the unique identifier (within the data source) for the collection that owns the granule - ``granuleId`` : an :obj:`int` which is the unique identifier (within the data source) for the granule - ``dataId`` : a :obj:`str` which is the name of the granule. As for the ``granuleId`` it should remain unique within a data source - ``dataModel`` : a :obj:`str` that identifies the data model used to store the granule data. The value must be a key of the :const:`SEAScope.types.granule_metadata.data_models` dictionary - ``start`` : an :obj:`int` which is the first time when data is available in the granule, in milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z - ``stop`` : an :obj:`int` which is the first time after ``start`` when data is not available anymore, in milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z - ``uris`` : a :obj:`list` of :obj:`dict`. The elements of the list describe the files attached to the granule and must satisfy the requirements of the :func:`SEAScope.types.idf_descriptor.serialize` method - ``title`` : an optional :obj:`str` for the title/long name of the granule - ``institution`` : an optional :obj:`str` for the name of the institution which provided the granule - ``comment`` : an optional :obj:`str` for any comment about the granule - ``file_id`` : an optional :obj:`str` for an identifier or path of the original file which has been converted to IDF - ``product_version``: an optional :obj:`str` for the version of the product - ``lon_min`` : an optional :obj:`float` for the min longitude of the spatial coverage - ``lon_max`` : an optional :obj:`float` for the max longitude of the spatial coverage - ``lat_min`` : an optional :obj:`float` for the min latitude of the spatial coverage - ``lat_max`` : an optional :obj:`float` for the max latitude of the spatial coverage - ``creator_email``: an optional :obj:`str` the email address of the person who generated the IDF file - ``station_id`` : an optional :obj:`str` for the unique identifier of the station that provided the measurements contained in the granule - ``platform`` : an optional :obj:`str` for the name or identifier of the platform which hosts the sensors that provided the measurements - ``sensor`` : an optional :obj:`str` for the name or identifier of the sensor that measured the values contained in the granule Returns ------- tuple(flatbuffers.builder.Builder, int) A tuple which contains two elements: - the :obj:`flatbuffers.builder.Builder` instance which has been used to serialize data - an :obj:`int` which is the address/offset of the serialized object in the builder buffer """ if builder is None: builder = flatbuffers.Builder(0) cls = SEAScope.API.GranuleMetadata src_id = int(obj['sourceId']) col_id = int(obj['collectionId']) gra_id = int(obj['granuleId']) data_id = builder.CreateString(obj['dataId']) data_model = data_models.get(obj['dataModel'], None) start = obj['start'] stop = obj['stop'] uris = [] uris_len = len(obj['uris']) for _uri in obj['uris']: _, idf_descriptor = SEAScope.types.idf_descriptor.serialize(builder, _uri) uris.append(idf_descriptor) cls.GranuleMetadataStartUrisVector(builder, uris_len) for i in uris[::-1]: builder.PrependUOffsetTRelative(i) _uris = builder.EndVector(uris_len) # optional attributes title = builder.CreateString(obj.get('title', '')) institution = builder.CreateString(obj.get('institution', '')) comment = builder.CreateString(obj.get('comment', '')) file_id = builder.CreateString(obj.get('file_id', '')) product_version = builder.CreateString(obj.get('product_version', '')) lat_min = obj.get('lat_min', 0.0) lat_max = obj.get('lat_max', 0.0) lon_min = obj.get('lon_min', 0.0) lon_max = obj.get('lon_max', 0.0) creator_email = builder.CreateString(obj.get('creator_email', '')) station_id = builder.CreateString(obj.get('station_id', '')) platform = builder.CreateString(obj.get('platform', '')) sensor = builder.CreateString(obj.get('sensor', '')) cls.GranuleMetadataStart(builder) cls.GranuleMetadataAddSourceId(builder, src_id) cls.GranuleMetadataAddCollectionId(builder, col_id) cls.GranuleMetadataAddGranuleId(builder, gra_id) cls.GranuleMetadataAddDataId(builder, data_id) cls.GranuleMetadataAddDataModel(builder, data_model) cls.GranuleMetadataAddStart(builder, start) cls.GranuleMetadataAddStop(builder, stop) cls.GranuleMetadataAddUris(builder, _uris) cls.GranuleMetadataAddHasTitle(builder, 'title' in obj) cls.GranuleMetadataAddHasInstitution(builder, 'institution' in obj) cls.GranuleMetadataAddHasComment(builder, 'comment' in obj) cls.GranuleMetadataAddHasFileId(builder, 'file_id' in obj) cls.GranuleMetadataAddHasProductVersion(builder, 'product_version' in obj) cls.GranuleMetadataAddHasLatMin(builder, 'lat_min' in obj) cls.GranuleMetadataAddHasLatMax(builder, 'lat_max' in obj) cls.GranuleMetadataAddHasLonMin(builder, 'lon_min' in obj) cls.GranuleMetadataAddHasLonMax(builder, 'lon_max' in obj) cls.GranuleMetadataAddHasCreatorEmail(builder, 'creator_email' in obj) cls.GranuleMetadataAddHasStationId(builder, 'station_id' in obj) cls.GranuleMetadataAddHasPlatform(builder, 'platform' in obj) cls.GranuleMetadataAddHasSensor(builder, 'sensor' in obj) cls.GranuleMetadataAddTitle(builder, title) cls.GranuleMetadataAddInstitution(builder, institution) cls.GranuleMetadataAddComment(builder, comment) cls.GranuleMetadataAddFileId(builder, file_id) cls.GranuleMetadataAddProductVersion(builder, product_version) cls.GranuleMetadataAddLatMin(builder, lat_min) cls.GranuleMetadataAddLatMax(builder, lat_max) cls.GranuleMetadataAddLonMin(builder, lon_min) cls.GranuleMetadataAddLonMax(builder, lon_max) cls.GranuleMetadataAddCreatorEmail(builder, creator_email) cls.GranuleMetadataAddStationId(builder, station_id) cls.GranuleMetadataAddPlatform(builder, platform) cls.GranuleMetadataAddSensor(builder, sensor) gm = cls.GranuleMetadataEnd(builder) return builder, gm
[docs] def deserialize(o): """ Rebuild a granule metadata from a FlatBuffers buffer. Parameters ---------- buf : bytearray The buffer which contains the granule metadata object serialized with FlatBuffers Returns ------- dict The deserialized granule metadata object as a dictionary. """ result = {} result['sourceId'] = o.SourceId() result['collectionId'] = o.CollectionId() result['granuleId'] = o.GranuleId() result['dataId'] = o.DataId() data_model = o.DataModel() for k, v in data_models.items(): if v == data_model: result['dataModel'] = k break result['start'] = o.Start() result['stop'] = o.Stop() result['uris'] = [] uris_count = o.UrisLength() for i in range(0, uris_count): u = SEAScope.types.idf_descriptor.deserialize(o.Uris(i)) result['uris'].append(u) if o.HasTitle(): result['title'] = o.Title() if o.HasInstitution(): result['institution'] = o.Institution() if o.HasComment(): result['comment'] = o.Comment() if o.HasFileId(): result['file_id'] = o.FileId() if o.HasProductVersion(): result['product_version'] = o.ProductVersion() if o.HasLatMin(): result['lat_min'] = o.LatMin() if o.HasLatMax(): result['lat_max'] = o.LatMax() if o.HasLonMin(): result['lon_min'] = o.LonMin() if o.HasLonMax(): result['lon_max'] = o.LonMax() if o.HasCreatorEmail(): result['creator_email'] = o.CreatorEmail() if o.HasStationId(): result['station_id'] = o.StationId() if o.HasPlatform(): result['platform'] = o.Platform() if o.HasSensor(): result['sensor'] = o.Sensor() return result