2022-05-06: release - Removal of dependency on easylogging - Switch from GLEW to GLAD to handle OpenGL extensions - Current year is used when the maxYear value is left empty in the configuration file - New "initialDatetime" setting added in the timeline configuration to set the date and/or the time selected when SEAScope starts - OpenGL ES2 shaders are not used anymore and have been removed - The "NEWSAligned" setting in configuration files for collection has been deprecated (it has no effect anymore) - Bugfix and improvement of the streamlines rendering algorithm to display particles at the correct location, even for swath data or granules centered on a pole. - Polylines rendering now uses the same algorithm as trajectories rendering, polyline width is not limited to 1px anymore - Easier selection of polylines and trajectories (wider picking mask) - Added support for extracting data using a granule footprint as mask - Added support for browsing the timeline using the mouse wheel - Measurements (perimeter, area) displayed when drawing a shape and when a granule is selected - Various UI improvements - Increased density of ground control points for extracted data to avoid precision issues when reconstructing the geolocation - Bugfix for data ordering issue when multiple variables have the same zIndex - Added support for loading data folders using the droplet on macOS 11.x and above - Major refactoring of the events system - Added support for drawing point shapes - Improved drawing controls - Added support for importing and exporting annotations in a Syntool- compatible format - Added support for properties (text, boolean, numeric or images) attached to annotations. An editor is embedded in the annotation dialog. - Added support for multiple collections rendered with the same shape type - Added controls to modify rendering settings for streamlines - Added button to save rendering settings, making changes permanent - Added support for logarithmic scale when rendering barbs, arrows and streamlines using a colormap (was already working for raster) - Minor bugfixes - Added software description, version, etc... and other ways to get support in the About dialog 2019-06-28: release - Fixed polyline and polygon edition - Fixed some issues with streamlines for granules with GCP coordinates and data matrix indices varying in opposite directions - Added bindings for the following command: * setTimestep * getTimestep * listTimesteps * setTimespan * getTimespan * listTimespans * getCurrentDatetime * setNearestMode * getNearestMode * setDataAlwaysVisibleMode * getDataAlwaysVisibleMode - Default max year set to 2019 in macOS version - Windows launcher modified to include processor default configuration 2019-04-05: release candidate 1 - Improved performance of the rendering algorithm for streamlines by limiting computations to the particles which are located in the viewport. - Major refactoring of the rendering engine (scene graph). - Added support for Windows. - Added support for macOS. - Added Ctrl + right click as an alternative to the middle click for the creation of a new vertex in a user polyline/polygon. - Added some flexibility regarding the path of the resources (background images notably). - Address and port for the seascope-processor command can now be customized in the configuration file. - Improved layout of the side menu. - Added support for the NEWSAligned parameter in the configuration file. - Added experimental streamlines rendering for collections with NEWSAligned=false. - Added a data change detection mechanism to warn the user when rebuilding the index could be necessary. - Fixed a segfault happening during the reduce/expand phase of the rendering menu. - Fixed interface issues caused by pixel scaling (Retina, some 4K screens). - Fixed issue with side menu dimensions after resizing the window. - Fixed a crash when users click on the polyline edition button - Fixed bug wherein streamlines were flipped vertically due to the order of the GCPs. - Fixed a bug wherein streamlines were not rendered properly on granules that cross the International Date Line. - Fixed a bug wherein the timeline was not initialized properly if the current datetime was not within the years range defined in the configuration file. - Various build script improvements and code sanitizing. 2017-09-08: version 0.1.2 - Polygon and polyline edition - New camera options: reset Z-axis rotation (align with poles) and togglable mode that prevents Z-axis rotation - Add support for per-field scale and offset - Add support for float physical data in trajectories (time) - Fields list and time range added to extraction results - Fix bug wherein connections from Python clients caused socket buffers starvation - Fix bug wherein extra vertices were created when drawing trajectories - Fix bug wherein the zindex parameter of a rendering configuration sent by a remote client was ignored - Fix bug wherein the timeline was not updated after a granule upload - Fix bug wherein the orientation of arrows and barbs was incorrect 2017-07-21: version - Menu style improvements - The "nearest day with data" and "closest to 12:00" modes no longer apply if more than one collection is selected - New colormaps added: chla_jet, ibsco-bath and pesket - Fix bug wherein the polygons orientation was not detected properly - Fix bug wherein the application crashed due to a missing background image - Fix bug wherein the use of the "ARROWS" rendering method caused the application to crash - Fix bug wherein the map was not updated after a selection change in the rendering control if at least one other variable of the same collection was still selected - Fix bug wherein textures were not mapped correctly on polygons 2017-06-22: version 0.1 - First public release